Legacy draft Local Plan

2013 Sample responses :


Response LPR18.2Q128  Community Land Trust (CLT)
(A CLT is a community-owned trust on which non-profit amenities like housing, communal resources are based. A CLT can't be sold but stays in community hands in perpetuity.)

.. nowhere in the Draft Local Plan Consultation Document is there any mention of a CLT within the Legacy Corporation Area.
As per previous commitments by London Legacy we would have expected to see this in Sections 6, 9 and 13. We have written to the LLDC Planning for advice on this and the response has been thus far:
The Legacy Corporation is committed to community involvement in shaping Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and establishing new neighbourhoods and communities and is exploring options for delivering a Community Land Trust (CLT) within the Park. Initial feasibility studies have identified a number of issues that will need to be satisfactorily addressed before the extent of CLT provision can be confirmed. This includes legal issues and financial viability, both of which are fundamental to whether a CLT is successful or not.


Response LPR18.2Q132  Clarity on jobs and reinstatement of housing quotas
in conjunction with the LTF

While the draft Local Plan speaks of “legacy” and “convergence”, it is very unclear how existing and less well-off communities will genuinely benefit. The draft Local Plan seems more generally to be weighted in favour of new homes that the majority of local residents cannot afford and of new high-end jobs, to the detriment of local existing residents and businesses. This will inevitably lead to their displacement.


East Village London would have provided 35% social-rented homes, while only 24% have been delivered – the equivalent of 311 fewer social-rented homes than originally promised. Local newspapers have recently reported that the Chobham Manor scheme will deliver 77% market homes and only 23% affordable. If this is the case, only 13% are likely to be ‘affordable’ rent homes and only about half of those (6.5%) will be near social-rents. Given that average income levels in Newham are significantly lower than the London average (£24,959 compared to £37,759 in 2009) both the proposed housing targets combined with what appears to be being delivered provides insufficient in terms of a legacy that is meaningful to existing communities.

Note: Further changes in housing targets outside the consultation process particularly affects the provision of housing at social rent (commonly known as council housing or public-sector housing)


Return of Community Green Spaces. No response submitted.
Not withstanding delays the welcome return of valued green spaces back to community use as in Leyton Marsh and Drapers Field, the air of uncertainty remains, in particular with Manor Garden allotments outside the jurisdiction of the LLDC Planning Office.