
The Colonial Breach and the Colonial Bind

Amman March 2024


Whatever the contentions on the term we use to express the scale and method of killing we are witnessing in Gaza, the description at the International Court of Justice as a live-streamed genocide is both apt and particular to our age. For this is no 20th century genocide we hear of through whispered rumours. Instead, the intent, the process, the structure, and the scale of the killing has almost been too transparent for us. It is a theatre of a mass killing at which we are all present. A theatre of death foretold, as in Refaat Alareer’s If I must die, to be circulated virally on apps like Instagram, TikTok, Twitter.

Republished at Critical Legal Thinking

Our Purgatory of Consumerism



Take heed that thou wash said the Angel to Dante before opening the gates to the Purgatory with two keys, a silver key for remorse and a gold key for reconciliation. Irrespective of where the path leads henceforth, this is where virus Covid-19 has placed us. 

Covid_19 Writings. Published at Popmatters. Read there.


Herbie Hancock and the Body Politics of Pop


Rockit by Herbie Hancock, an unlikely sound track in 1983, arrived as a completely tangential entry into the world of pop. But besides reaching the Billboard #1 dance hit that summer, it broke a number of other thresholds as well. Hancock's single was the first by a black artist to be aired on MTV...


Covid_19 Writings. Published at Popmatters. Read there.


The Prefabrication of Utopia, East Berlin

Neu Hohenschönhausen 2019


Familiar as I am with the paradoxes of life in modern industrial housing, that the more humans are packed into concrete compartments the more atomised they become, such spaces are conceived through ideas about modern utopias and socialist dreams. Irrespective of whether it's the banlieues of Paris, or the Stalinist mega-estates of the former Soviet bloc, cast in each and every cubic millimetre of concrete is a strain of utopia. Nowhere was it as bold or as advanced as in the vast estates of the former East German republic.

tent Xx

Revisiting Archives: Democracy Village

Parliament Square 02.07.2010


The 20th of July this year marked the tenth anniversary of the eviction of Democracy Village from Parliament Square. The tent occupation of Parliament Square began May Day 2010 and was evicted 20 July 2010. To recall that spell of time, the 81 days, is to reflect on how the world of activism was about to change.

The Other Scene of Emergency

Covid-19 and Black Lives Matter
June 2020 London

  07.06.20 Archive


To understand the month of June 2020, a month in pandemic time enfolded between Covid-19 and Black Lives Matter requires a reading of its political space as a double emergency. For what intervened in the time of a national lockdown invoked as a state of emergency could only be described as another state of emergency, a People's Emergency.

The Claim to Violence

(in pandemic time)


The purpose of this writing is to make a clearing in the time of this pandemic, a space for a clarity of confrontation between the claims to violence in it. The claim between natural violence and state violence – or between the divine violence of nature and mythic violence of law as Walter Benjamin puts it in his Critique of Violence.

Prisoners of the State

Republished at Critical Legal Thinking


We have all become prisoners of the State. Wherever we are across the whole planet. It's a time like no other time in human history or natural history. Is it a force of Nature as virus Covid-19 that has brought this about; or is it something to do with the nature of our State?

A politics of arrival

virus Covid-19


The arrival of the corona virus Covid-19 in Europe was staggered, uneven, belated and sudden. The first reported case of infection may have been on the 27th of January 2020 in Germany, but the virus as a political body arrived in Europe sometime at the start of March.

Notes on the Terroritorium (1)

Afterword on work submitted for Territorium Tijuana July 2019
Catalogues & Archives 05/11


The word territorium, territory in Latin, recalls the territorium of Imperial Rome – from the time when all roads led to Rome. To imagine territorium today as a sort of twinning of Tijuana and London is to lay bare the reality of the contemporary “post-Imperial” territorium.

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